Saturday, December 31, 2011

7 hours to a new year

As we all journey Into this new year I pray that everyone stays safe this evning.

know I stated before but I am stating it agian. I am Blessed. 2012 Is gonna be a year for proving. Proving myself to MYSELF. Working on health, Love, God, and work. So manythings to come. Happy New year everyone Love you!!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

The End and the Beginning

2011- It is amazing to me all the changes in my life over the past year. So much has happened, Good and Bad. Let me do a recap.
I have made it over a year in ROC, and over 3 years at dominion.
I have lost some friends
I have gained some friends (valuable ones that were a blessing)
I finished my house enough to move in.
the ups AND downs of being a home owner.
the ups And downs of living with out my parents.
the ups AND downs of living with my love.
God has been brought back into my life more thanks to the troubles and sorrows over the past year.
I realize I miss a particular person who I am so sure doesn't miss me. (heart break)
I bought a new SUV and kept my BMW (hurrah for stuff in my name)
Aaron got a job with Henrico (total blessing)
The world lost two amazing people.
Sharron Irby.....mother, friend, amazing person
Karen Verlander..... Mother, Friend, someone I think about all the time.

Things I look forward two in 2012
I look for Christy to come home soon
Starting a new Desk at work
Working on me.....In a few different ways. Thinking about how I AM good enough to persue a higher titled job.
Working on being healthy, not just "losing weight" that's not the biggest part. Being healthy and the rest will follow
Working on loving me for me. I am who I am, and I have always been the same person for 23 years.
I look forward to another year with Aaron, A true blessing in my life
And of course Stella
I want to spend more time with my friends that are here Tee and Heather.
finishing the rest Of the house and making it a full on home.

God has blessed me in so many ways....I can not say that 2011 didn't have its hard times. and that God DID in fact bring some beautiful people home....they are truly missed. But everything makes you stronger. FAITH my dear friends FAITH and common sense will get you far in life.