Monday, June 27, 2011

To my Friend, You know who you are. I love you

Please know that you make my life wonderful. And that everything happens for a reason even though we dont know God's plan there is one. I miss you terribly and there is not one day that you are not in my thoughts,prayers,and heart. There is always a home for you with me. No matter what.
I know you dont want to think about memories, you want to look forward. But sometimes Memories help create a better future. Remember the good, and the bad. And I hope that we will create many more.
I love you, So deeply.....I miss you.

-maroon 5
-va beach
-butt tag
-broken right window
-worlds largest brocolli
-giant rolls of toilet paper
-t.p jeremy car. PRICELESS
-guys...list goes on and on.
-burning papers with Zakk <3
-summer with Zakk
-catching stop sign on fire
-writeing with hairspray and lighting it
-peach highlights
-blond highlights
-red highlights
-prom, both times you went with me.

There is not enough time in the day to tell you all the wonderful memories i have

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