Sunday, May 2, 2010

The day i realised my puppy hates me :-(

(Example of another puppy I have lost to Aaron)

So like i have stated before I am a new home owner, and also i love dogs. Well I have premptively bought a dog beofore I have actually moved into my house. Shes perfect, shes a "blue" great dane and her name is Stella.
Every morning for the past week that i have had her. I have gotten up at the butt-crack of dawn when she wakes up (with a rediculous loud howl/cry), which is about 5:30am. Now considering that I dont have to be at work until 10:30 this is uncommly early for me. But as I was saying i have been getting up ever morning with her and taken her to "pee pee" "poo poo", then gettin her some water, then puppy food, then out agian. Then time to play a lil and that works anothing bathroom break into her system. And I take her out agian. At some point during this time I eat breakfast, shower, do hair and make up, dress, take her out to use the restroom AGIAN then put her up for a nap and off to work. I come home from work play with her and the cycle for eat,poop,pee,play continues. HOWEVER, she's been loving all over allllll my other famiy members and boyfriend. Today she was sick, i was holdin her, loving on her, sat down on the couch with Aaron annnnd she slides out my arms and onto his lap. WHat the crap man when U finaly have the chance to enjoy her still A.K.A asleep she goes and snuggles with another person. THUS I have decided that she hates me.

What a Shame.

Well anyway tomrrow is another day of work and I think I'm tired from it already So its off to bed for me.......Night Night

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