Thursday, May 6, 2010

tanning salons = Hell for pastey fat people

-(the "look")

-(me in my form, at the tanning salon)

Lastnight I decided "hey self since your trying to loose all this weight and get healthy why not get a healthy glow too!" So i decided on my way home from a hell-a-shoush (guess at this spelling) day of work that why not stop by the tanning salon and hop into the tanning bed relax listen to some music and enjoy the warmth of my man made sun.

Well...walking into the salon i am walking in after a very nice looking skinny young blond, who gives me the know...the look as if i have a huge bulging zit on my face or something. Well, ignoring this...maybe she dosnt have people skills or something idk. I get to the counter to, two pretty blonds the one who serves me treats me like i am totaly and COMPLETELY bothering her, being very snippy and interupting me as i speak. HMMMMMMM i think to myself.....maybe 2 outta 3 ppl? idk. so of course i need to wait...what else is new. as i sit down and zone out I start to notice my surroundings...i find a uncanny look going around....

Please look above at "the look" to see what i mean. So as i sit in the waiting room which, minute by minute, has become incredibly smaller i start to realise what a diffrent creature I am from this world of leather faced, bleached out, high octive-talking, looking down thier noses at me, carnival folk.....

As my title stated a Hell for me... the pastey fat person

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